Hello Red Rock News Readers! One of the perks of my job as the Library’s Program and Marketing Coordinator is getting to meet all of our patrons when they come to the Library. Whether it’s a quick hello or hearing about their day, I appreciate what they have to say, any comments they have about what’s going on at the library, and all the compliments about the new courtyard. Progress is a wonderful thing.
A part of my job that I relish is giving new patrons their library card. Getting a library card is free and easy at either library branch. Just stop in with your photo ID and proof of residency, and we will issue your card. If you have a card but haven’t used it in a while, we encourage you to drop by the circulation desk and update your e-mail address and contact information so that you can receive our monthly e-newsletter, which will tell you about the programs and free services available each month.
Even if it’s not your first library card, it may be your first Yavapai Network Library card. A library card is one of the most valuable cards one can hold. And our cards have personality. You can choose from a card featuring adorable javelinasor the classic Sedona Public Library card, featuring our logo.
As a Sedona Public Library cardholder, not only can you access all of the services here in Sedona, but you can also access the items available at all 56 libraries in the Yavapai Library Network. That means over 1.36 million items are easily accessible to you via your computer, tablet, or smartphone. Just search for an item in the catalog on our website—communitylibrarysedona.org—put the item on hold, and have it delivered to either the main branch or our Village of Oak Creek location. One feature of the catalog that I like is having the ability to freeze an item hold. If I’ll be away on vacation I can put a freeze on a hold and unfreeze it when I return. For me, it’s the little things I appreciate.
Today’s library card also gives you access to thousands of free e-books, audiobooks, and online magazines that you can download from the comfort of your own home. Do you enjoy watching movies? My parents owned a video store in Jersey City, New Jersey when I was growing up. You KNOW I enjoy watching movies. The Library offers access to Kanopy, a free streaming video service, to all Sedona Library patrons. With a selection of over 30,000 on-demand videos, the Kanopy collection includes new releases, independent and international cinema, classic movies, documentaries, educational films, and more. It’s like Netflix … but free!
Cardholders can access Kanopy on their smart TV, home computer, or with the Kanopy app on mobile devices. To get started using Kanopy, visit sedonalibrary.kanopy.com, enter your name and email, and create a password. Kanopy will then send you an email, and all you need to do is open it, follow the easy directions, and enjoy the show. (Be sure to check your “spam” folder if you don’t see the email!) You can stream up to four movies per month.
Your library card can take you to the far reaches of space or 20,000 leagues under the sea. It can let you follow the adventures of a young country starlet or put you in the room where world changing decisions are made. The world is your oyster with your library card.
Sedona Public Library is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. To make a tax-deductible donation, please visit our website or send your check to Sedona Public Library, 3250 White Bear Road, Sedona, Arizona 86336. Remember you can direct your gift to the Village Library. Thank you!
As published in the Red Rock News
Library News Column for August 26, 2022
Written by Jan Marc Quisumbing, Program & Marketing Coordinator