Library now open Wednesday Evenings

As published in the Red Rock News

Hello Red Rock News readers! We have great news: Sedona Public Library is now open until 8 p.m. on Wednesday evenings. This allows us to better serve the community and the many patrons who typically finish their workday after we have already closed, like Steve. 

Recently on a Friday, while at our circulation desk wrapping up an email about a prospective library program, I heard a tapping … a tapping on my chamber door. Or to be more specific, the window of our front lobby. (October is “spooky month” so give me some credit for trying to set the mood.) Deep in concentration, I was startled to see the visage of a lone person, silhouetted against the setting sun. 

“Hark, who goes there, Spirit? Who has come to me on this darkest of nights to rouse me from my deep thoughts?”

“It is I, Steve of West Sedona.” (I’ve changed his name to protect his identity and me). “I’ve come to claim that which is mine.” Steve, of course, was referring to the two library books he had placed on hold and that were, at that very moment, sitting on the holds bookshelf behind near where I now stood. But the Library was closed.

My dear readers if you did not know, on Fridays and Saturdays, the Library closes at 
5 p.m. Disheartened by this news, Steve of West Sedona was about to leave without his books.

For me, having been the recipient of lost chances and missed opportunities myself, I knew I could help him out and do one more good deed before I left for the weekend. I learned that Steve had just finished his shift at a local establishment and headed over to the Library to pick up his books and start his weekend on the right note, curled up with a good book. He told me that with his busy work schedule, if he’s unable to get to the Library during the week, it throws the proverbial monkey wrench into his weekend plans.

This made me stop and realize that my schedule includes a typical nine-to-five workday and not everyone is as fortunate. As I handed Steve of West Sedona his books, I wished him well and told him he didn’t have to worry about not having enough time to make it to the Library to pick up his holds or peruse the stacks anymore. The Library is now open until 8 p.m. on Wednesdays to accommodate people just like him.

The positive comments and smiles of surprise we’ve seen from patrons walking through our doors after 6 p.m. on Wednesday these last three weeks has been great. “We love the library and thank you so much for being open late,” is a common response. We’re happy to hear it, and we’re happy we can provide that service. It’s the simple things we do that can make positive changes go a long way. Where are all the night owls? Come by and say “hello.” 

We’re open and here to serve our community. If you’re just getting out of work at 6 p.m. and need to check email, pick up a hold, or attend a Wednesday night program, we’re now open late. We’re here for you. 

Sedona Public Library is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. To make a tax-deductible donation, please visit or send your check to Sedona Public Library, 3250 White Bear Road, Sedona, AZ 86336. 

Sedona Public Library 
Library News Column for Oct 28, 2022 
Written by Jan Marc Quisumbing, Program & Marketing Coordinator