Library News

More than just sitting on our tuckus reading books

A common phrase, oft mentioned when someone finds out that I work at a library is, “Oh what fun! You must read books all day?” That couldn’t be further from the truth. Yes, working in a library, is, on its own merit, rewarding work. Why, every day we are given the chance to help the community and give access to myriad forms of entertainment and knowledge to the visiting public and our dedicated patrons. But we’re more than just the sum of our pages. 

Bernie, our Circulation Manager, is basically an action figure! When she’s not traversing the ins and outs of our new operating system KOHA, she’s traversing the red rocks as a member of Verde Search and Rescue! Jana, one of our Reference librarians, does cross-stitch and loves puzzles. I never knew that. I can barely sew, having missed that portion of home economics class, when I was in 5th grade. You can bet that I passed the cooking portion of Home Ec though. Thanks again, Mrs. O’Connor! Andrea, our staff Notary, is a talented photographer and jewelry designer in her own right.  

Marcy, our amazing IT Librarian, is a talented artist. Stop by her desk to see some of her artwork. Patty, our Inter-library Loan librarian, is a published author with two books to her name: The Tao of Northern Exposure, about the classic 90s television show, is in our library catalog, and her new The Ranch Caretakers ! Arthur, our Volunteer Coordinator, volunteers his time at another library teaching chess. Love where you live and love all libraries, I say! 

Pam, the library’s Director of Finance and Operations, just returned from a few weeks on a Viking cruise through Europe where she dabbled in international espionage. She denies it, but c’mon? Budapest? Daphna, our social media ninja, is an astrologer and expert thrifter, finding classic looks that never go out of style! 

Sam, our Facilities Manager, has a farm filled with chickens and alpacas. He recently completed the annual alpaca shearing in preparation for the summer heat. I never have to go far when I need farm fresh eggs! Me? I try and spend my downtime collecting toys from my childhood, drawing comics, or on Sundays I hit the trees at Riverfront Park, aka playing disc golf with friends.  

Tasha, our Assistant Director, and the one behind such fun new library programs like Free Flow Paint Night and Line Dancing, is a Verde River Rat and yoga enthusiast. If she’s not in tree pose, she’s floating downstream. 

When she’s not helping raise awareness and money for the library, our Development Director, Anne Marie, can be found in the dance studio – studying everything from Zumba, hip hop, and reggaeton, or she’s gluing random pieces of paper to things and calling it collage. Judy, our fearless Library Director, loves traveling, especially visiting New Orleans. If you’re planning a trip to the Big Easy, she’ll have plenty of recommendations for you! 

Viviane, our Youth Services librarian is an avid runner. Let’s cheer her own if she does the Sedona marathon next year. Our very own story time guru, Miss Marcia, is a hiker and amazing baker and fruit canner. It’s always great when you get a jar of preserves from Marcia or a little homemade lobster salad. Cindy, our Youth Services Librarian, is a beekeeper! Did you know that? Have you seen her in beekeeper gear? It’s a sight to behold! If you missed her library program about beekeeping, she hopes to present it again next spring. Jordan, our new Teen Librarian, is working on unlocking a new level in the online RPG game “Elden Ring,” and getting back into ultimate frisbee. 

Melanie, our Tech Services Librarian, is an avid traveler, having recently visited London and the Galapagos Islands where she spent time with the tortoises made famous in Charles Darwin’s observations. Our Village Library librarians are an amazing duo as well. Ally, is an artist, so stop by and see one of her mini canvas creations in our Summer Reading art show, and Aurelia, is a fellow foodie. She and I trade recipes, and she’s gained an interest in Filipino Cuisine.  

Yes, our library staff is as dedicated to their passions and hobbies, which could include reading, as they are to the business of keeping Sedona Public Library and the Village Library operating as smoothly as possible. And just like the theme for Summer Reading states, ‘Adventure Begins at the Library.’ Let us show you how! 

Sedona Public Library is an independently run, 501(c)(3), privately owned, debt-free, non-profit organization providing public services. Support comes from the City of Sedona; your property tax dollars from Coconino County; a portion of your property tax dollars from Yavapai County, and businesses, foundations, and individuals like you, and the amazing Friends of the Sedona Library who have supported the Library for more than 55 years. Please visit us at 

As published by Red Rock News

Library News Column for July 19, 2024
Written by Jan Marc Quisumbing, Scheduling Coordinator


Library News appears each Friday here and in the Red Rock News.


Discovering STEM!

STEM—an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math—is a term that