Library Board of Directors
Thank you very much for your interest in Community Library Sedona’s Board of Directors
These documents have been prepared to assist you in your decision to apply for a position as a Community Library Sedona (CLS) Board Director. We hope this information gives you a good sense of the governance of Sedona Public Library and the roles and responsibilities of the Board of Directors. Please see our strategic plan and annual reports.
Please see the following:
1. Library Board application form (Word doc)
2. Board Director Roles & Responsibilities (pdf)
3. Code of Ethics and Standard of Conduct Policy (pdf)
It is important that you read these Policies before completing the application as you will be asked to sign your agreement with the Policies if appointed as a Director. The information you provide to CLS will be used only by authorized staff and Library Board members in considering your application. Your application will be kept on file for one year from the date appointments are made or for the term of your appointment, whichever is applicable.
If you choose to apply for a position on the Board, you will be invited to attend an interview with our Nominating Committee so we can answer your questions regarding the Library and the Board, as well as further evaluate your background and eligibility. We wish to ensure that this is the right opportunity for you, as well as Community Library Sedona. This interview will provide an opportunity for us to meet each other and engage in a dialogue that may lay the foundation for our future relationship and work together. We encourage you to connect with us in a way that we all can see how your serving on the Board will fulfill the vision we are embarking on.
The remaining steps of selecting and approving new Directors are outlined below.
1. Public call for Board nominations
2. Applicants review Board application package
3. Applicants complete and submit application form
4. Applicant are invited to interview to confirm interest and eligibility
1. Nominating Committee reviews and evaluates candidates
2. References are checked, background check, and input is solicited from Board of Directors
3. Recommendations for new Directors are made to the board
1. CLS Board approves new Directors
2. New Directors sign Code of Ethics and Conflict of Interest documents
3. Orientation with Board President, Library Director, and others, and Library tour