Library News

Monday Night at the Movies in Full Swing

Just like the dancing concessions say right as the lights dim and the projector starts, “Let’s go out to the movies!” September marks the seventh month since the return of “Monday Night Movies” to the Sedona Public Library. It’s been a busy and fun seven months, let me tell you. We’ve been following the format of first and third Mondays for showing first-run movies that were recently in theaters, and our second Mondays are what I like to call the “VHS Classics.” These can be any movie that was first released on VHS many moons ago, when Blockbuster Videos still roamed the countryside of America.  Fun fact: 2006 was the last year a major studio-produced movie was released on VHS. 

Our fourth Mondays are saved for movies that are based on true stories or interesting documentaries. Every once and a while, there’s a month where a fifth Monday occurs. Those months I try to find a movie that may interest patrons and give them a chance to see what Monday Night Movies at the Library are all about. I’ll even try and sneak in a movie in the middle of the week. Kudos to everyone who came out on “May the Fourth Be With You” and watched the movie where a band of rebels lead by Diego Luna steal the plans for the giant space station. Or to everyone who came out on the Wednesday in July when we watched that classic summer beach movie about a big fish named Bruce. 

Our Monday movies start at 6 p.m., and we have free popcorn or a tasty cola or lime soda for only a  dollar, I try and show movies that run about two hours. Before movies begin, you’ll be greeted by staff, usually me, and it’s our time to say, “thanks for coming out.” Your support helps us keep Monday Night Movies going.

 At the end of the movie, there’s always a questionnaire you can fill out to tell us what you liked or didn’t like about the movie. Many of our patrons tell me during the week that they look forward to Monday Movie Night. And it’s nice knowing that the Library can provide a free and fun program to the public. Thank you to Lupita Pollock for sponsoring popcorn and Monday Night Movies! If you’d also like to be a movie sponsor, contact Anne Marie, our Development Director at for more information.

 Since we were closed on Monday, September 5, there wasn’t a Monday movie. But we’ll have three more Mondays this month where you can come by, grab some popcorn, and enjoy the show. You can always check what’s showing by visiting and clicking our EVENTS calendar. You’ll see a general description of what we show but I always put the movie poster of that Monday’s listing in the calendar. You can even give us a call and we’ll be happy to tell you.  

September will be a great month for cinephiles. On September 12 we revisit one of the late comedian Robin Williams’ greatest roles: as the caring boarding school teacher John Keating, whose unorthodox teaching style inspires his students. On September 19, join Academy Award winner Sandra Bullock and Hollywood heartthrob Channing Tatum as they traverse the jungle trying to outwit Harry Potter himself, Daniel Radcliffe, in a fun, action-romance adventure. We wrap up the Monday movie month on September 26 with comedian Kevin Hart, in a dramatic turn as a newly widowed father raising a daughter based on the 2011 memoir by Matthew Logelin.

For teens and tweens we have a special second Saturday treat on September 10 when we’ll show an 80’s classic about pirate treasure hunting teens in Oregon. There will be limited seating, and popcorn and pizza are included!  
Yes, our movie license, though vast in its ever-changing catalog of films, can be tricky in how we promote our Monday Movies but I think half the fun is trying to figure out what the movies are! I’m looking forward to what we’ll be showing for the rest of the year. We’re entering prime movie season with Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas just around the corner. What are your holiday movie traditions? Let me know and maybe that’s what we’ll show!
Sedona Public Library is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.  To make a tax-deductible donation, please visit our website or send your check to Sedona Public Library, 3250 White Bear Road, Sedona, Arizona 86336. Remember you can direct your gift to the Village Library. Thank you!


As published in the Red Rock News

Library News Column for September 9, 2022 
Written by Jan Marc Quisumbing, Program & Marketing Coordinator


Library News appears each Friday here and in the Red Rock News.


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