Interlibrary Loans
Request an Item from Another Library
Interlibrary loan (ILL) is a service allowing library items to be made available from one library system to another. We borrow books, audiobooks, videos, DVDs, CDs, and articles from other libraries not available in the Yavapai Library Network.
- Fill out the request form below.
Interlibrary Loan
* Indicates required field
- This service is available to any Community Library Sedona cardholder in good standing.
- Borrow books, DVDs, CDs, articles, and more from libraries across the country not available in the Yavapai Library Network.
- There is a $5.00 fee if an item comes from a library outside of Arizona.
- You may limit your request to Arizona at no charge. Please be aware, this service is subject to availability.
- If Community Library Sedona or other Yavapai Library Network library already owns an item, it is not eligible for ILL request.
- When your item arrives, you will receive a phone or email notification to pick it up at the reference desk at Community Library Sedona or CLS in the Village.
- Checkout periods and renewal requests for ILL materials are determined by the lending library. The average lending period is three weeks.
- Each cardholder may have up to five active requests.
- $.25 fee for each day an item is returned after its due date.
- If you order an article, we may be able to deliver it electronically at no charge. If you require an article to be printed, there is a $.10 per page printing fee due at pickup.
What Is Not Available through ILL?
- New best sellers and books published within the last six months
- Rare books
- Many libraries will not lend audiovisual materials such as DVDs and CDs, but we will attempt to obtain these for you.
- Entire issues of magazines or journals
- Reference books or books in special collections.
Returning ILL Items
Please return them by the due date or contact the ILL department to request a renewal. Be sure to allow at least one week for processing. Failure to return materials on time may jeopardize our borrowing privileges with other libraries. You are responsible for your ILL materials.