Propose a Program
We are actively seeking programs that offer our patrons opportunities to learn, engage, and connect with new knowledge, skills, and fellow community members.
We recommend submitting program proposals at least 90 days in advance of your desired date. Given the high volume of applications, not all submissions can be accommodated. If your program is approved, you can expect to hear from us within a month to finalize details such as the date, time, and location. Thank you for considering involvement in our community initiatives.
All programs are subject to SPL’s Library Spaces Terms Of Use and Use of Library Meeting Rooms, Bulletin Boards, Exhibits, and Displays Policy.
To propose an event, please review the spaces available below and complete the Program Proposal Form.
IMPORTANT: when proposing library programs expect to wait at least 30 days for a response and please send ideas at least 90 days in advance of when you hope to have the program.
Questions should be directed to Tasha Spuches at or 928.282.7714 x8181.
Spaces at Sedona Public Library (Main Location)
Community Room
Capacity: Accommodates up to 100 chairs theatre style, or 65 chairs with tables classroom style. (1,312 sq. ft.)
Features: PC laptop for groups to use, screen and 4 wireless mics, podium, HDMI cable and audio input cable
Quiet Study
Capacity: Accommodates up to 25 chairs theatre style, or 12-15 chairs with tables. (360 sq. ft.)
Features: Large screen bluetooth tv, erasable bulletin board, podium
The Commons (Courtyard)
Friends of The Sedona Library Fire Circle accommodates +/- 20 people
Also includes the Stage.
Features: Adirondack chairs. Electrical outlets on floor.
*Hours of operation for SPL (main location): Mon & Tues 10-6pm, Wed 10-8pm, Thur 10-6pm, Fri & Sat 10-5pm
Spaces at SPL in the Village
*Hours of operation for SPL in the Village: Sun Closed; Mon Closed; Tue-Fri 11-5pm; Sat 10-2pm

Javelina Room
Capacity: Accommodates up to 40 chairs theatre style, or 25 chairs with tables class-room style.
Features: Podium, projector and screen, BluRay player, and a whiteboard