Attention grandparents, caregivers, and families: new STEAM to Go! Kits are available at Sedona Public Library in the Village (SPLV) for check out! They’re fun, hands-on, interactive learning kits themed and targeted for either PreK-Grade 3 or Grade 4 and up. Kits can be borrowed and returned at the front desk of SPLV for three weeks with your Sedona Public Library card. They’re perfect for upcoming school breaks to engage children at home.
There are 27 kits to enjoy. Some of the favorite kits available are the educational phonics kits where you can work on reading together with the Little Critters Phonics Kit. This kit features 12 Little Critter phonics books, a Penworthy leveled reader, a wipe-off phonics workbook, and two activities. The first is a fun phonics card game and the second is an interactive phonics activity featuring an interactive talking pen.
Another educational favorite is the Paw Patrol Phonics Kit. Kids can work through phonics lessons independently with Ace, the talking, teaching dog pen; a phonics word building game; and work with blends and digraphs dominoes to grow understanding of our most-commonly used consonants and word families. Let Sedona Public Library help make learning how to read fun for everyone!
Another favorite kit is the Family Game Night Kit—break away from screen time and engage with this collection of games for kids 10 and up. This kit includes the strategy game, Horrified: The Universal Studios Monster Game. There is also Disney Villainous: Perfectly Wretched Game in which players take on the role of a villain. Lastly, there is the How I Survived Game: a fast-paced, super-silly game. Check out the Family Game Night Kit for laughs and learning.
Another highlight is The Police and Fire Fighter Kit. Sophia Zarifis-Russell, SPL Assistant Director said, “I love these STEAM to Go! kits and my grandkids love them. The kits are fun and educational and now my grandkids love coming to my house and playing for hours. Checking out the kits has also helped me buy my 5-year-old grandson his birthday present. It is a great way to try a toy and it doesn’t cost a thing.”
Cindy Mahon, the new Youth Services Librarian has been highlighting the kits at the Toy Potluck program at SPLV every Thursday, 11:15 to 12:15 p.m. Come play, have some fun, and enjoy the company of other families. Recommended ages 0-4. Cindy Mahon is available at the SPLV Library all day on Thursdays to help with any questions about youth services. And don’t forget the VOC Storytime on Tuesdays at 11:15 a.m. and Red Rock Drumming with Harta on Fridays at 11:15 a.m. through November.
We are excited to make these kits available for checkout and to use them for our programs. We know that children learn through play, and play reduces stress, so stop by SPLV and check one out or put one on hold to be delivered to SPL in West Sedona. The library was lucky enough to receive these kits with a grant through the Arizona State Library, Archives & Public Records, a division of the Secretary of State, with federal funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.
Sedona Public Library is an independently run, 501(c)(3), privately owned, debt-free, nonprofit organization providing public services. We receive support from the City of Sedona and the Friends of the Sedona Library, property tax dollars from Yavapai and Coconino Counties, and gifts from businesses, foundations, and individuals like you. Thank you! Visit to make your gift today, and remember, you can direct your gift to Sedona Public Library in the Village.
Caption for photo: A young patron takes home the Estimation and Patterns Kit at Sedona Public Library.
Sedona Public Library
Library News Column for October 14, 2022
Written by Viviane Kraus, Youth Services Manager