Library News

Reviewing SPL’s Efforts to Keep Readers Informed

Hello Red Rock News readers! Next month will mark my first year as the Program and Marketing Coordinator at Sedona Public Library. My first few months at the Library were a bit of a whirlwind. My first day consisted of a planning meeting for the annual quilt show, and my first weeks were a blur of introductions to all the groups that use our meeting spaces for monthly gatherings. I also learned the ebb and flow of the busy library calendars for our monthly programs, and I discovered the array of listings we provide.
If you want to know what is going on at Sedona Public Library and Sedona Public Library in the Village, all you have to do is visit our website, and click the EVENTS tab. There you can choose ‘CALENDAR’ which takes you to the main library listing or ‘SPL IN THE VILLAGE CALENDAR’ which takes you to listing for the Village Library. The third dropdown option in the EVENTS tab is ‘SCHEDULING’ where you can inquire about date/room availability for hosting a meeting or propose a library program. This is an important form that I use to track and review our proposals and events.
You are always welcome to call the Library at 282-7714 and ask about the day’s events at either library location, or, for instance, on Mondays, to find out what film will be shown. But if you find yourself at our main library branch in West Sedona, and want to learn what’s going on, there are many ways to find out. When you stop by the Circulation or Reference desks, keep an eye out for something I like to call “the snapshot”

This “at-a-glance” printout provides a quick review of the day’s library events. Just like you’ll find on our online calendar, it gives you the name, time, description, and location of the events. You can also find a copy of the snapshot on the door of the Si Birch Community Room and next to the door of the Quiet Study. Fun fact: Events on the snapshot are color coded: for example, the Quiet Study’s events will be in a salmon-colored box. Remember to check with staff as schedules can change at the last minute.
It took me about five months, but I am most proud of our newly organized bulletin boards inside the Library. We now provide three separate boards with event listings: one near the giant T-Rex head, whom I lovingly call ‘Steve,’ with our Library programs; one that lists events in the community, including the Verde Valley, and can be found near the restrooms and water fountain; and one that lists the programs and events in the Si Birch Community Room which can be found outside that room. We also have an entryway easel and a display board on the front porch.
These five display options are just another way the Library keeps you informed about our programs and events. If you wish to post a flyer on a bulletin board, first contact me or leave your flyer with library staff. 
Finally, please subscribe to our monthly newsletters to learn about both adult and children’s programs and events. Visit our webpage and event calendars to learn more. A library without programs is just a building full of books. Our programs help keep the community engaged by bringing a variety of people together for an array of exciting learning and conversation opportunities. Maybe there is a group or activity you’d like to organize, join or attend? Check out our options!
As we finish 2022, we have a busy December ahead and we’re looking at a full and informational 2023. Thank you for staying with us, for participating in the many things we do, and for being a part of Sedona Public Library. 
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. To make a tax-deductible donation to our end of year campaign—where your gifts will be matched dollar for dollar up to $40,000—please visit or send your check to Sedona Public Library, 3250 White Bear Road, Sedona, AZ 86336. Remember you can direct your gift to the Village Library as well. Thank you!

As published Red Rock News

Library News Column for 12.2.22 
Written by Jan Marc Quisumbing, Program & Marketing Coordinator 


Library News appears each Friday here and in the Red Rock News.


Teen Space Thrives

“It’s cozy, more computers and I love the big table!” It’s