Library News

Live like your age doesn’t matter

One of my favorite quotes on aging is by Mark Twain; “Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” I love this quote because it reminds me of my dad, who turned 97 years old this year. He is a man who completely ignored his age and lived his life as if that number just didn’t matter. As a cancer survivor, a father of five, and a World War ll Veteran, I have no doubt that it was my dad’s “feel young” attitude that nurtured his longevity.   

According to Arizona Demographics, the median age for our beautiful city of Sedona is 58 years old. What a perfect demographic to discuss and dive into this topic! Aging may be inevitable for each and every one of us, but how we act, feel and think about it affects how we age. Don’t underestimate how much our mindset is essential to our health. In our busy lives it’s easy to slide into default mode and forget to be deliberate about how we choose to think about a topic like aging because we are so saturated with information. It can get overwhelming, but this Longevity Series will help you break it down into digestible bites.   

A fascinating educator who has studied the subject of longevity the greater part of his life is bestselling author, Dan Buettner. You may have heard of him through his very popular studies called The Blue Zones. At a young age, Mr. Buettner became interested in why there were groups of people who lived to over 100 years old, with little or no disease. He travelled the world and found five separate groups, in five different countries and these spots are now known as “The Blue Zones”. The author explored, interviewed, and personally researched these centenarians’ life styles to learn their “secrets” to healthy longevity. Then he shared it with the world! He has authored eight books on the subject (all in our library catalog), and has a documentary titled, Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones. (Sorry, Netflix picked it up so it is not available to libraries) But libraries, and especially librarians are nothing if not resourceful! We have found another way to share this incredible information with you. Our librarian and host of the Longevity Series, Patty Kelly, has put together a concise selection of Ted Talks from neuroscientists and psychologists to activists and novelists. (TED is a non profit devoted to spreading ideas worth sharing in the form of short, powerful talks). We will touch on subjects like Alzheimer’s, ageism and happiness, as well as cover the best of the Blue Zone top secrets to aging well! 

The Library Longevity Series will be hosted throughout the month of January. (Wednesdays, Jan. 10, 17, 24, and 31, 2:00 – 3:30.) Group discussion is an exciting and important part of this series. Bring your curiosity and let’s talk. Our conversations should prove as interesting as the films we watch! On the last day of the series, we will welcome Adventure Guide and Longevity Expert   Geno Kelly as our guest speaker. Mr. Kelly will dive even deeper into this important and often misunderstood topic of aging-well. Bring your questions to this one! 

 This community library program is free and popcorn will be served! The short films and conversations will inspire and provide an opportunity to look at aging in a new, hopeful and exciting light. Consider attending this program as one of your New Year resolutions. The best part of moving into a New Year is that it’s a chance for a start fresh. Start your 2024 New Year with the Sedona Public Library. “Community is much more than belonging to something; it’s about doing something together that makes belonging matter.”   

As published by Red Rock News

Library News Column for January 5, 2024  
Written by Patty Kelly, Library Assistant II


Library News appears each Friday here and in the Red Rock News.


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