Library News

Volunteers are at the Heart of the Library


On April 21, the Library celebrated its volunteers at the annual Volunteer Recognition Luncheon on the Commons. With a “Sock Hop” theme, tables were donned with carnations shaped like sundaes, food was diner style and there was plenty of it, beverages included root beer floats, and volunteers dressed 50’s style competing for the best dressed prize. Swing dance lessons were offered for those who dared, and several did, and finally, 54 of our 140 volunteers were able to join the fun on this gorgeous spring afternoon.

According to Volunteer Coordinator, Arthur Richardson, “We simply couldn’t do all that we do without the volunteers’ tremendous service.” From our Board of Directors who oversee our policies and budget; to teens who help empty and sort crates of supplies when they arrive; to the numerous workers who manage book movement from bins to shelves and back again; there is always plenty to do, and our volunteers accomplish their tasks with a smile.

Richardson noted that 27 volunteers earned service award pins that day commemorating 1 through 35 years of service, and the award for most hours worked was awarded to Ellen for 773 volunteer hours in the last year. Richardson calculates that, in total, volunteers have donated more than 13,179 cumulative hours of labor over the last year. According to Independent Sector—a nonprofit dedicated to assessing the health of the non-profit and philanthropic sector in the U.S.—an hour of a volunteer’s time is currently worth $31.80. This means that the Library is easily saving well over $419,092 this year because of our volunteers.

There are several groups who partner with the Library and help make it the active, resourceful place it is, as well as keep our spaces beautiful. For instance, AARP Tax Assistance provides eight weeks of free volunteer tax service. Sedona Garden Club tends our numerous plants beautifying both of our libraries. The Veterans History Project, a volunteer group that hosts the monthly Coffee with A Vet program, welcomes veterans and their families once a month. And, of course, the Friends of the Sedona Library, a volunteer group that was instrumental in founding the Library more than six decades ago, continues to support us with proceeds from their amazing book store.

All of our volunteers, whether groups, individuals, young, old, retired, or employed play a major role in making us the heart of the community as we are known to be. We are forever grateful, and we would love for you to join us in thanking them. Oh, and who won the best dressed prize? Kathy, a long time volunteer, who was adorned in an original poodle skirt and her husband’s letter sweater.

If you see a volunteer when you stop in at either of our library locations to attend a program, pick up an item that is on hold, take a class, or watch a movie, please take a second and acknowledge their work. The benefits you reap by using your community library are possible because of these amazing community members, and we are forever grateful.

Sedona Public Library is a private, independent, non-profit organization that is supported not only by our volunteers and their service, but with funding from the City of Sedona, both Yavapai and Coconino Counties, the Friends, and individuals and businesses like you. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Arthur at If you’d like to make a gift to your Library, please visit Thanks!

As published by Red Rock News

Library News Column for May 3, 2024  
Written by Anne Marie Mackler, Development Director


Library News appears each Friday here and in the Red Rock News.


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