Library News

Meet Jana Anderson—the Library’s Gal Friday

The Sedona Public Library has been serving the region for well over 65 years. The main library, nestled amongst the neighborhood off Dry Creek Road in West Sedona, and the Village Library in the former Big Park Elementary School, are staffed by a fabulous group of 23 employees, and today we want to introduce you to one of them: Library Assistant, Jana Anderson. 

Jana joined our library family in June 2023. Happy anniversary, Jana. Her calm, easy-going demeanor is a great fit, and patrons appreciate her congeniality and reliability. Most days you can find Jana at the helm of the ship that is the Reference Desk, navigating between helping patrons with computer issues to fielding calls about which doctors in town are seeing new patients, or what the current weather is like in Borneo. (There’s never a dull moment at the Ref Desk.) Please take a moment to learn more about Jana and say hello the next time you come in to attend a program or pick up your book and DVD holds. Jana’s always happy to help! Here’s more about her from a recent staff interview. 

Where were you born? 

I was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, and I lived there all my life until I relocated to Arizona almost two years ago to live with my sister in Cottonwood. I do miss the mountains and the abundance of snow we’d get back home, but I love the monsoons. I hope there’s a great rainy season this summer. 

What was your first job? 

My first job was as a cashier at the grocery store Reams, a local chain in Salt Lake City, where I worked at the checkout stand. I loved that job as much as any 16yearold could, haha. However, a job like that does help prepare you for working with the public. 

What book most influenced you and why? 

That is a tough question since there are so many to choose from. I read a lot growing up, and I tended to lean toward fantasy and scifi. I loved a good ghost story as a kid, and I loved to get scared. Bruce Coville was my favorite author back then. I just started a Paranormal Rom Com—Who knew that was a genre, right? The book is titled “When Life Gives You Vampires” by Gloria Duke. I’m reading it via the LIBBY app. Sticking with the fantasy theme, I also watch Asian and Korean fantasy tv shows.  The last one I watched was “The Tale of the Nine Tailed. It’s a Korean show about a ninetailed fox waiting for a lost love to reincarnate. 

Are you on Team Dog or Team Cat and why? 

I am team dog. I love the sweet lovingness you get from dogs. I also love cats and their attitude. I don’t have a dog, but I have been a godmother to many friends’ dogs, and I have a 4-legged canine nephew named Jedi. 

Have you ever seen a ghost or a UFO? 

I would have to say, no. I do like to watch shows like “Ghost Hunters, but I have personally not seen one myself. I loved all of that when I was younger, but it’s been a while since I’ve done a deep dive back into it. I would love to go on a UFO tour here in Sedona. I’ve heard they’re interesting. 

There you have it, some interesting tidbits to help you get to know Jana a little better. Thank you, Jana, for bringing your fabulous skills and personality to our library team! 

June is not only a great time to celebrate anniversaries and employees but also reading! The Summer Reading program is in full swing with many classes and events scheduled to help kids and teens stay active, motivated and, most of all, keep reading throughout the summer! Our program calendar is packed with ongoing programs like Storytelling Around the Friends Fire Circle and our increasingly more popular Yoga and Tai Chi classes.  

Stop in, check our online calendar, get out of the heat, and do something fun at the Library. We’re always here for you and offer more than just books.  

Sedona Public Library is also a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your gifts, just like the Friends’ contributions, allow us to provide a plethora of services and programs for the community, for free, all year long. Visit to make an online gift today. 

As published by Red Rock News

Library News Column for June 7, 2024  
Written by Jan Marc Quisumbing, Scheduling Coordinator



Library News appears each Friday here and in the Red Rock News.


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