Library News

And the heat goes on, and the heat goes on


“Yeah but it’s a dry heat.” Here we go again. It was an eventful week at Sedona Public Library. On Monday, June 17, KOHA, the Yavapai Library Network’s new catalog and database launched with much fanfare. As with all new endeavors, all the training in the world cannot prepare you for all the little hiccups one will encounter. The growing pains haven’t been too bad, and our patrons have been very supportive and encouraging as they navigate the new system with us.

On Wednesday, June 19th, all or if not parts of Sedona experienced what I would call a temporary interruption of our day to day lives as we were without power for an hour. This return to a simpler way of life, albeit brief, when cellphones and the internet were not as prevalent, makes you appreciate the little things. As I write this column, by the pale blue glow of my laptop screen, I feel like a Union soldier during the Civil War, writing home to my dear wife, about the perils of war. “My Dearest Martha, It’s been one hour since we lost internet…and morale is low amongst the troops in Non-Fiction…” But I digress.

Have no fear, because when “disaster” strikes, librarians find a way out of it. Library staff rose to the challenge, helping manually check out books and dvds for patrons, and doing their best to provide as many services as possible. We were even able to host our Juneteenth program that afternoon with over 70 people in attendance. At the library, it’s just another day. “And the heat goes on, the heat goes on.” My apologies to Sonny and Cher.

The Summer Reading Program (SRP) in Youth Services is in full swing. SRP answers the question of what is there to do to keep kids engaged during the long hot summer days. When school is out for summer, and youthful minds turn to flights of fancy, the SRP can help parents keep their kids engaged and learning.

SRP is so much more than tracking reading minutes. There are over 98 adventures/events to attend in June and July. Music, yoga, language, ukulele lessons, Pokémon, a plethora of StoryTimes, movies, weaving, star gazing, crafts, theater camp,

robots, and chess, just to name a few—all courtesy of the Friends of The Sedona Public Library and generous business sponsors throughout the community.

Parents need not fret, there is still time to register and participate in SRP and partake in the many programs still scheduled. Parents and their children can sign up on the library website ( or in-person in Youth Services. On Tuesday, July 2nd, teens came join our Teen Librarian Jordan, whom you all met in last week’s column, for Teen Hangout at 3:30 p.m. in the Community Room. Fellow tweens/teens can come in and discuss the thrilling books they’ve been reading during the 2024 Summer Reading Program! Everyone is welcome, whether they’re participants in the SRP or not. Have fun and play games, eat food, or simply hang out!

On Saturday, June 6 at 10:15am, join us for Yoga For Kids! with instructor Kimberly. It’s been a popular program for parents and kids alike where they learn flexibility, balance, fun, dance to music, listen to stories, and play games! On Friday, July 12, join yoga instructor Kimberly for Teen Movement and Craft! Experience a fun and inspiring workshop where you’ll stretch your creativity and body! Relax and stretch with gentle yoga to prepare your mind and body and then unleash your artistic flair with vibrant, fluid marbled acrylic canvases. It’s a perfect way to relax, express yourself, and make new friends. See you there!

Don’t forget, you can escape the heat and come by the library, and participate in our many free library programs, like Free Flow Paint Night, yoga, or our ever popular Monday Movie Night! Perhaps now would be a good time to check out a Culture Pass with your library card and visit cooler climates! At the library, the possibilities are endless! Come in and stop by Steve the T-Rex to see what the latest library programs are, subscribe to our monthly newsletter, or just give us a call to see what’s happening!

Sedona Public Library is also a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your gifts and support, just like the Friends’ contributions, allow us to provide a plethora of services and programs for the community, for free, all year long. Visit to make an online gift today.

As published by Red Rock News

Library News Column for June 28, 2024
Written by Jan Marc Quisumbing, Scheduling Coordinator


Library News appears each Friday here and in the Red Rock News.


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