Library News

Who ARE the people in your neighborhood?

Building partnerships in the world of libraries is akin to presenting scholars, exhibiting artwork, buying books, providing Wi-Fi, loaning computers, offering healthy classes and business forums, etc. In other words, the hustle and bustle you see in the Sedona library locations is often due to partner organizations and businesses sharing services and expertise for all to enjoy.  

Our partners, or neighbors as we like to think of them, help expand capacity and reach broader audiences on joint endeavors. Pooled resources add value to what non-profits can do for the community. Shared expertise grows the impact of programs, and the community’s needs are met with a collaborative approach. Partners’ advocacy helps raise awareness about important things that matter to so many of you, and sometimes even saves lives. Keep reading to learn more about the fun, and important, upcoming programs.  

Did you know that donations of blood decrease during the summer months due to vacation and travel?  More importantly, did you know that emergencies do not take a vacation and can happen when you travel? That is why an important and favorite community partner, the American Red Cross, will have a blood drive on Friday, July 19, in the Community Room.  

Terry Xelowski, Booking Manager for the American Red Cross of Sedona & Northern Arizona said, “The American Red Cross, in partnership with Sedona Public Library, is saving lives with every unit of blood we collect.” We’re reminded that donating blood during the summer months is especially critical to help the American Red Cross avoid seasonal shortages.  

When you donate on July 19, you can help ensure hospitals have an adequate supply to meet the needs of patients. It’s a really simple way to give back to the community, so please visit and sign up. If you can’t make a blood donation this summer, no worries. Blood drives are scheduled later this year, so stay tuned. 

Did you know that the Mexican Consulate in Phoenix offers a plethora of services with their Mobile Consulate program? They travel to locations across the state and will have services available in Sedona at the Library on Saturday, July 20 in the Community Room. They can assist in processing birth certificates, passports, consular identification cards, and more. Additionally, members from the University of Arizona’s health department will be on hand to provide free health screenings. This partnership of many years is vital to so many in the community. For more information, contact (602) 242-7398 x237 

El Consulado General de Mexico en Phoenix, en persona a la biblioteca: estará ofreciendo servicios consulares como expedición de pasaportes, matriculas consulares, credenciales de elector, actas de nacimiento, el día 20 de Julio, 8 am-3 pm. Por mas informacion: (602) 242-7398 x237. 

All aboard! Another favorite summer partner is the Sedona Railroaders. They will display model trains July 22 through July 27 in the Community Room. Guy Forsythe, the president of the club, is proud of the members’ attention to detail with the various kinds of trains and the skill involved in designing the carpentry, laying track, and building each set. He said, “It really is a delight when adults become kids again, and children look with delight when they see the trains.” The exhibit includes a variety of gauge layouts, and club members will be on hand to share their love and knowledge of model railroading. Can’t make the show this summer? Railroaders will set up in December in the Village of Oak Creek, location still to be determined.  

A library isn’t just books, or the sum of its programs, it’s the community it builds, which it can only do with so many wonderful partnerships. Thank you! 

Sedona Public Library is an independently run, 501(c)(3), privately owned, debt-free, non-profit organization providing public services. Support comes from the City of Sedona; your property tax dollars from Coconino County; diminishing property tax dollars from Yavapai County, and businesses, foundations, and individuals like you, and the amazing Friends of the Sedona Library who have supported the Library for more than 55 years. Please visit us at 

As published by Red Rock News

Library News Column for July 12, 2024
Written by Jan Marc Quisumbing, Scheduling Coordinator


Library News appears each Friday here and in the Red Rock News.


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