Library News


30 years ago the first PlayStation launched, the George Foreman grill hit the infomercial scene, and The Magic School bus tv series began taking children across the nation into the wildest of places! And thirty years ago something else very special began in Sedona – any guesses to what it was? Okay, okay, here are a few hints…think unbelievably talented artists, skilled mastery of a timeless craft, and stunning creations…if the Annual Quilt Show came to mind, give yourself a pat on the back because that’s the correct answer!

Thirty years. Let the number sink in. It’s a noteworthy accomplishment for sure! To create something that has such longevity means that true dedication is necessary. It also means that its success is driven not only by the members of the Red Rock Quilters but its continuance is sustained by the out pouring of love and appreciation of it by the community too! So, what starts with a little spark, a mere concept in the mind of an artist is the beginning of something much larger than an idea. Countless hours are spent on the creation of each of the unique quilts and that hard work and skill comes full circle when the people of the Verde Valley gather to appreciate the final product in a stunning months-long display at the library.

Being a librarian comes with many perks but one of them specific to the librarians at Community Library Sedona is a sneak peak of the quilts before they are hung! Choosing a favorite was absolutely impossible (voting is going to be SO hard this year!) but here are four to keep an eye out for when stopping by to see the show!

“A Trip to Japan” – Lin Benzel and Tracie Thiele – “In March 2024 I took my second trip to Japan after 45 years. All of the material for this quilt was bought in Japan. The people, the culture, the food, and the land of Japan are truly captivating. My trip to

Japan in quilt form hopefully will inspire you to travel to this fascinating country.” Machine pieced by Lin and long-arm quilted by Tracie Thiele.

“Blue Amarylis” – Tracie Theile – “This pattern caught my eye because it’s a huge flower!! I had some audacious large print fabric that I couldn’t figure out what to do with it, and it was perfect for this. I made a faced binding because I just think it called for it. The custom quilting took forever to do but so worth it in the end.” Machine pieced and machine quilted by Tracie.

“Sedona Red Rock Crossing- Patsy Kittredge – “I started this in a Sandra Mullon class using a photo I had taken. Aside from fabric, I used colored pencils and paints to enhance some of the fabric.” Fused applique and machine quilted by Patsy.

“Desert Sky” – Connie Myers – “I like paper piecing and ran across Judy Niemeyer’s book. I used southwest fabrics from my stash. I used custom ruler work and some computer quilting on my long arm.” Machine pieced and long-arm quilted by Connie.

These are the categories that we all can vote on this year: Viewer’s Choice – Large Quilts, Viewer’s Choice – Medium Quilts, Viewer’s Choice – Small Quilts (wall hangings), Viewer’s Choice – Wear, Carry, & Other, Challenge Quilts and Sedona Quilters Hall of Fame! As previously mentioned, this year the voting is going to be TOUGH. Each quilt is so beautifully crafted, they all truly deserve a ribbon! Okay, time for the most important question – when can we all cast those hard to decide votes?

Well, the Opening Ceremony is January 6th at 11 am! This ceremony is a rare chance to not only view the quilts and cast votes but it’s also an opportunity to meet some of the artists too! Sedona is a special place, all one needs to do is step outside and look around to see that but access to museum level craftmanship is just one heck of a bonus!

Community Library Sedona is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your gifts supplement the funding and support we receive from the City of Sedona, Coconino and Yavapai County property taxes, and Friends of the Sedona Library. Visit to make an online gift. Thank you!

As published by Red Rock News

Library News Column for January 3, 2025, by Tasha Spuches, Assistant Director


Library News appears each Friday here and in the Red Rock News.


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