The calendar is now ten days into the New Year, and here’s hoping that we all are sticking to our New Year Resolutions. Did you know that the ancient Babylonians are said to have been the first people to make New Year’s resolutions, some 4,000 years ago? They were also the first to hold recorded celebrations in honor of the New Year—though for them the year began not in January but in mid-March, when the crops were planted.
Here in Sedona, we are all focused on health, mental well-being and staying fit as we age. Wellness has been a focus throughout 2024 at Community Library Sedona and there’s no stopping that in 2025! The popularity of the Longevity Society, Line Dancing, Sound Baths and Yoga is a testament to the commitment of the community to stay on track with taking care of ourselves, and there will be no shortage of free and fun opportunities to continue to do so in the year ahead!
Harvard Health states that Tai Chi is a great lifelong and low impact way to maintain strength, flexibility, and balance — all key ingredients to a healthy body. And guess what? Yavapai County Health is offering classes at BOTH library locations in January! A beginner level with be held in West Sedona on Monday mornings and an intermediate level will be happening on Thursday afternoons in the VOC! Want something a little faster paced to get your blood pumping – check out the brand new dance class on Monday afternoons! That’s right, it’s time to ZUMBA the afternoon away! Dancing not only helps keep us healthy, but it’s proven to boost our mood too!
Every year, resolutions are made, a “this is the year that I (fill in the blank)” and the hope is that those resolutions are seen through. Getting healthy is ALWAYS a good start to the New Year. But there are other ways in which one can grow. Perhaps it’s as simple as a resolution to visit more places and experience new things. This can be done by using your library card and checking out an Act One Culture Pass.
Act One’s Culture Pass provides free access to the arts for library patrons, students, retirees, and under-resourced families to visit many of Arizona’s arts and cultural treasures. Act One partners with over 175 libraries statewide to allow library cardholders the opportunity to check out free passes. Over 500,000 passes are offered annually. One library card gives access for 2 people and must be used within a week of checking out the Culture Pass.
Perhaps your New Year’s Resolution is to learn a new language? Conversational Spanish meets every Thursday at 2pm in the Quiet Study, immerse yourself with fellow patrons speaking Spanish in a free flowing conversation. Or if you didn’t sign up for the beginner Spanish class, have no fear, there will be a second session soon! The German Conversational Group will be meeting on Wednesday, January 22nd at 10:15 AM in the Quiet Study. Spend time practicing conversation skills and connecting with others while doing something different. This program offers a relaxed environment to improve communication skills, learn about others’ interests, and explore new ideas. Bitte machen Sie mit!
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow said “Music is the universal language of mankind”. Mondays you’ll find the Intermediate Ukulele class in full swing, as well as the gathering of the JOYful Ukers, a group of ukulele enthusiasts who gather to learn and practice new songs. If you weren’t able to sign up for the intermediate class, don’t worry, it’s a very popular program, and will return. But the JOYful Ukers meet from 6:30-7:30pm. January 25, mark your calendars for a wonderful piano recital courtesy of Piano on the Rocks at 2:30pm in the Community Room.
It’s a New Year, New You! Take a chance, try something new, and explore the many opportunities in store to make this year an incredible one for all!
Community Library Sedona is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your gifts supplement the funding and support we receive from the City of Sedona, Coconino and Yavapai County property taxes, and Friends of the Sedona Library. Visit to make an online gift. Thank you!
As published by Red Rock News
Library News Column for January 10, 2025, by Jan Marc Quisumbing, Scheduling Coordinator