STEAM to Go! Kits available at public library
As published in the Red Rock News.Attention grandparents, caregivers, and families: new STEAM to Go! Kits are available at Sedona Public Library in the Village (SPLV) for check out! They’re fun, hands-on, interactive learning kits themed and targeted for either PreK-Grade 3 or Grade 4 and up. Kits can be borrowed and returned at the […]
Library wins 2 Rotary Chili Cookoff awards
As published in the Red Rock NewsIs it me or did September seem to go on FOREVER? It never used to seem like that when I was younger. September back east in New Jersey marked the start of a new school year, a time to see the seasons change, and the weather finally cool off.In Arizona, […]
Getting to know the library’s development director
As published in the Red Rock NewsWhat’s your Arizona story? Or for that matter, what brought you to Sedona? And when you arrived in Sedona, what eventually brought you to Sedona Public Library? Anne Marie Mackler, the Development Director for Sedona Public Library, says that her Arizona story started in the Midwest, and like the […]
Library has programs for Sedona toddlers
Hello Red Rock News Readers! A library is the heart of any community and your Sedona Public Library is no different. Here at the Library, ideas are exchanged; whether it’s the monthly meeting of Great Decisions, archeologists, birders, or any one of the many family programs, our visitors come here to learn and to connect. And […]
Sedona Public Library events off something for everyone
As published in the Red Rock News It’s hard to believe that last year at this time we were happily planning the grand opening of a new library branch. Those were exciting, albeit busy, days! And on that gorgeous, early-November, autumn day in 2021, we opened Sedona Public Library in the Village to rave reviews, […]
Monday Night at the Movies in full swing
As published in the Red Rock News Hello Red Rock News Readers! Just like the dancing concessions say right as the lights dim and the projector starts, “Let’s go out to the movies!” September marks the seventh month since the return of “Monday Night Movies” to the Sedona Public Library. It’s been a busy and fun […]
The Library is a not-so-quiet place
As published in the Red Rock News Hello Red Rock News Readers! At any point in my work day, I will get up to stretch my legs and walk the library floor. Just like the precocious boy, Billy, in cartoonist Bill Keane’s Family Circus, I zip through the library, checking to see how things are going […]
Get books and stream with benefits from library card
As published in the Red Rock News Hello Red Rock News Readers! One of the perks of my job as the Library’s Program and Marketing Coordinator is getting to meet all of our patrons when they come to the Library. Whether it’s a quick hello or hearing about their day, I appreciate what they have […]
Library congratulates summer readers
As published in the Red Rock News Sedona Public Library is dedicated to keeping kids on track during the school year, and we love to help them avoid the summer slide that too many students experience over summer break. Skills were maintained, and news skills were achieved with our exciting summer program line up. Local […]
James Thomas is ‘The Rock’ of Sedona Public Library
As published in the Red Rock News. Hello Red Rock News Readers! Many hands make light the work. From the volunteers who pull the holds and shelve the books, to staff who greet patrons upon their arrival and are ready to help them with whatever they need, everyone who works or volunteers at the Library […]